Mail Server Setup Information (revised Jan 2022)

Web Mail Interface URL is: you can login with your full email and password here.

To setup Outlook for use with Racine-Web Design's Mail Server follow these steps:

Select 'File' or the 'Menu' icon at the top left. Then select the existing account you want to modify or click 'add' to create a new account.

If you're creating a new outlook account to connect to our mail server, select 'other mail' when prompted and select 'pop3' or 'Manual' configuration.


Other mail clients:

Automatic Configuration:

In some cases depending on your client and your email domain, you can use the 'automatic' option your mail client offers to connect to the mail server. Simple put in your e-mail address and password. Just make sure the mail server it auto detects is "" for both incoming and outgoing email.

Manual Configuration:

The main settings you need for any mail client is the incoming/outgoing mail server addresses and the ports. Below are all the essential settings you'll need:

Account: Anytime you're asked for your 'account' this will ALWAYS be your FULL email address.

Standard (not secure):
Incoming Mail Server:  
Incoming Mail Server Port: 110 or Auto
Encyption or "this server requires SSL": set to auto.

Secure Connection:
Incoming Mail Server:  
Incoming Mail Server Port: 995
Encyption or "this server requires SSL": set to SSL/TLS or STARTTLS.

Outgoing Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server Port: 587 or Auto
Encryption Method: SSL/TLS or Auto
Outgoing Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server Port: 465
Secuirty/Encyption: SSL/TLS


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