Racine-Web Design & Hosting can be very flexible in setting up a service plan that works for you. Below are some BASIC Package rates as an example.
Racine-Web Design specialities are in 'Dynamic web sites' such as the MiniMania.com site. This site demonstrates how dynamic content can be used to keep your site 'alive' and fresh every day, or even every hour, without a webmaster being involved every step of the way. By providing the customer with a web browser based administrative tool, we allow you the customer to update, change and add information as often as you like from anywhere on the internet.
For more information on this ground breaking technology please give us a call!
Services Included:
- Personalized Home Page
- Personalized Domain Name (http://www.yourcompany.com)
- Responsive Web Design (RWD)
- HTML programming and composition (text, client graphics, ISMAPs)
- 24 Hour Presence on the World Wide Web
- Registration of your company on the Internet search engines
- One hour of labor for updating/maintenance on your site per month.
Additional Services Available:
- E-Mail/SMTP/POP3
- FTP Services
- Interactive Message Boards
- Interactive Databases
- On-Line Ordering
Payment Services: Authorize.net, Payflow Pro, Paypal, Trans First, as well as Custom API's.
- Secure Web Sites
- Changes to Home Page